The most potent question to ask to successfully lead transformational change
Leading change would be so much easier if your audience simply did as you asked them, with minimum questions and fuss.
But they don’t. And that’s a good thing. If they did, they would share sensitive informatie with competitors or your bank account details with that nice Nigerian prince when asked.
Your audience have their reasons for not already doing what you want them to do differently.
Those reasons mean a lot to them and external logic is not going to change that.
Your audience’s reasons are powered by emotion and beliefs, just like yours are. You may have an opinion about their reasons, but that is not going to help you change anything. Your audience will only change for their own reasons, not yours.
To help them see and feel for themselves why those reasons need to change, you have to first know and understand the answer to the most potent question of all:
Why does your audience believe what they believe?